Subdomain vs. Subfolder
Subdomain vs. Subfolder – Which Is Better for SEO?

By jack123 | SEO | 0 Comments

Using a subdomain or subfolder influences the SEO part, the user experience and other factors, but the question is: Subdomain vs. Subfolder – Which Is Better for SEO? , Let’s find out!

Google classifies subdomains more or less in the same way as subdirectories (also called subfolders).

There is a major difference, namely that the subdomains are considered independent and distinct sites from the main domain.

It is important to consider the practical impact on your SEO before choosing to place content in a subdomain or subdirectory.

The difference between a subdomain and a subdirectory

What is a subdirector?

A website usually consists of different sections and web pages.

In the old days of HTML coding, a web designer created folders and put web pages in those folders.

That is why they are now called “subfolders” or “subdirectories”.

This is very similar to how file storage works on a computer desktop. On the desktop you can create folders and put images or calculation files in each, same with webpages.

Like desktop folders, online folders have names like / car images /. All HTML pages with car images are stored there.

When navigating to those pages, you are practically navigating to a folder and a real HTML file:

example of subdirectories or subfolders for a domain

Those folders, / car / and / car-images / are called subdirectories or subfolders.

In WordPress sites and other PHP-based websites, these subdirectories are virtual.

They do not exist on the server, where you could navigate to them with an FTP program, so you can see the real folders.

Although they are virtual, they are still part of the website’s file structure and are still called subdirectories.

A subdirectory is a part of the structure of the website, associated with the domain name.

What is a subdomain?

A subdomain is very different from a subdirectory; it’s like a completely different site.The subdomain is associated with the domain, but not with the website associated with the domain name.

A subdomain is generally considered an independent site, derived from the main domain.

This is an example of a subdomain:

This is an example subdomain that contains a subdirectory:

Google considers subdomains to be separate independent sites

Google has always considered subdomains to be as different sites, separate from the main domain.

This is evident in the Google Search Console, where subdomains must be verified separately from the content that exists on the main domain’s website.

John Mueller of Google explained this in a video for webmasters:

“You will need to check the subdomains separately in the Search Console, change the settings, and track overall subdomain performance.

We have to learn how to access them separately, but for the most part this is just a formality for the first few days. “

When is a subdomain used?

There are technical, branding and SEO implications that underlie the reasons why a publisher would choose to host certain content in a subdomain.

SEO reasons for using subdomains

There may also be SEO reasons in favor of hosting on a subdomain; for example, if a publisher has a content topic that is completely different from the main site.

The publisher may choose to host that section of a subdomain to isolate that content on its own website, but still be within the brand of the main site.

For example, some news sites host their recipe content in a subdomain.

I don’t know if this is done for SEO reasons, but it’s an example of separating a section of a site that has a very different topic from the rest of the site, where one section is static and relatively unchanged, and the rest of the site is in a constant state of change.

The aspects of subdirectories are useful

A site that is comprehensive can be seen as having more credibility than a site that focuses only on a granular part of a topic.

This does not mean that the granular site is less credible or useful.

But a site that can cover the full scope and depth of the subject can attract more links and can be recognized as credible.

For this reason, a site may choose to use subfolders over a subdomain approach.

Another reason to use a subdirectory format is that there are overlaps between different sections.

Someone who shops online for grain may also want to buy a pair of gym pants to use while working from home.

A site that presents both articles is more useful than a site that focuses only on one or the other.

Subfolder or subdomain? Choose what works best

The most important thing to use in a subdomain is whether it works for users.

Even so, the SEO, branding and technical advantages of each must be taken into account.

In general, if it makes sense for users for a section to belong to the site, then using a subdirectory structure is the best way to structure a website.

But if the section is better as a standalone site because it is so different from the rest of the site and you want it to continue to be associated with the brand or name of the main site, then a subdomain might be the best approach for you. .

Sometimes, there is simply no definitive answer as to which of the horses is the best. However, taking all these factors into account, the choice becomes easier to make.